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Kholofelo Mothibi, Regional Head of Global Supplier Assurance

Reducing risk. Growing trust.

Kholofelo Mothibi joined Barclays in 2011. Since then, she’s held a number of roles within Internal Audit and Global Supplier Assurance, rising to the role of Regional Head for Global Supplier Assurance, Americas. Based in our Whippany Campus, Kholofelo leads a team of experts to support procurement through the delivery of the Supplier Assurance programme.

Since our team was established in 2014, we’ve focused on ways to better serve our customers and clients, and to safeguard the information they have trusted us with by managing risk and tightening security. At Barclays, our strong values of Respect and Stewardship mean making sure we deliver products and services we can be proud of, that build trust and confidence in the way we do things.

The power of collaboration

In my team, we believe strongly in collaboration. We work closely with internal and external clients, sharing information and best practice, and thinking ahead in a rapidly changing risk landscape. We’ve partnered with our Sourcing colleagues to assess suppliers more effectively before we work with them – this helps us make informed decisions about suppliers that may have a direct impact on our customers. Continuous improvement is vital: we’ve run workshops to share learnings from previous control failures, and proposed measures that are regarded as best practice in the industry. And we’ve collaborated with Barclays’ Chief Security Office on a number of high profile assessments – their technical expertise on Cloud Computing was critical for those assessments to succeed.

Barclays does not just talk about Respect – we live it.

The importance of innovation

Innovation is crucial, and we’ve been working to create tools that will deliver better services to our clients, increase shared knowledge, maximise resources and increase the scope of the work we can undertake year by year. In a rapidly changing risk landscape, we must be forward thinking if we’re to keep our clients and customers safe.

Diversity in focus

As well as my work in Global Supplier Assurance, I’m passionate about helping other people. Diversity and Inclusion are very strong at Barclays, and I work hard to strengthen this even further through my work with Barclays’ Black Professional Forum. I’m currently the lead for the Whippany Campus, providing a fresh and unique perspective on the value of diversity as it relates to black professionals – this is something that’s really important to me. 

I admire strong women who are advocates for women to have a seat at the table. Our own COO, Karoline Kane, is a shining example – she’s committed to creating an inclusive and diverse environment that provides opportunities for all women to thrive. Barclays does not just talk about Respect – we live it.