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Find out what its like to be a an Apprentice Security Analyst

I joined Barclays a little under two years ago, on the Degree Apprenticeship scheme. Coming in with next to no experience in Cyber Security meant it was a challenge to understand the requirements for such an important part of the bank; but working in Information Integrity and Protection (IIP) has been such a great opportunity to really begin expanding my knowledge in this area.

 In IIP our job is to ensure that bank and customer data is protected, something we do by implementing cryptography globally. Part of that involves issuing digital certificates which are used to secure webpages so that people can bank online securely. When I log on to do my own personal online banking at home and I realise that the certificate being used is something I issued, I get a real ‘wow factor’ from that.

I’m developing my skills all the time, while ensuring security is at the top of our agenda

 One of the main pieces of work my team is focusing on at the moment is the Barclays Internal  Controls Enhancement Programme, a massive innovation piece working to ensure the compliance of assets within the bank.  Although my focus has been on one specific area so far, I have found myself really being able to expand my knowledge base. Technology changes at pace and in my role I’m seeing this up close, seeing innovations appearing on a regular basis, which is enabling me to develop my skills at pace.

 Added to that, Barclay’s is such a distinctive workplace, with such a high reputation and global presence it means there is a strong opportunity to grow both personally and within my career.