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Learn how to make your recruitment network work harder for you.

Starting to build a network of key people in the recruitment process? Good. Then it’s time to find out how to forge stronger bonds with everyone in it. Relationships are key at every stage in your career. In fact, knowing how to make a great impression on everyone from our recruiters to your career advisors can increase your chances of landing an internship at Barclays.

Here’s our advice on how to make connections that will strengthen your application when the time comes.

Connecting with our recruiters

  • Why

Our recruiters are the gateway to all the other people you’ll build relationships with. That’s why they should top the list of people you want to meet. Introduce yourself to them at campus events, and ask them about our programs for freshmen and sophomores too. Plus making your mark on a recruiter early on in your academic career will make you stand out if and when you want to apply to Barclays later on.

  • How

Prepare thoughtful questions that show recruiters you’ve researched Barclays and the career you’re interested in, and be enthusiastic about joining us. Recruiters will then be more likely to introduce you to people in your school team – alumni from your school who already work for Barclays – who have a big say in who we hire.

Follow up to any conversation with a carefully crafted email making sure your new contacts know you look forward to applying when the time is right.

Connecting with school teams

  • Why

Alumni from your school (who work at Barclays) are generally well informed about vacancies in their business area, priority positions and upcoming recruitment events. Plus they know just what it’s like to be in your shoes. So they have a wealth of knowledge for you to tap into. Making genuine connections with school team members can help you land an interview. Plus, one of these alumni could also end up being your mentor when you join.

  • How

Connect with them at events. Ask them intelligent questions. Impress them with your knowledge of the industry by speaking their language and how clearly you express your views. And ask for their business cards so you can reconnect afterwards by email and stay in touch longer-term. If there’s not an event taking place at your school, try searching for Barclays employees through your school’s alumni database or other online networks like LinkedIn. A well-written email to an alum that sparks a conversation can be just as effective as attending an event. But don’t get anxious if you don’t get a reply straight away from these people – or from anyone you email at Barclays. Remember that recruitment may not be the focus of their role so be patient; they will get back to you as soon as they can.

Connecting with Career Services

  • Why

As well as giving you career advice and tips for success at interviews, Career Services help you identify the right opportunities and apply for them. They know all about campus events too, so they can alert you to the ones you shouldn’t miss.

  • How

Find the Career Services office on your campus and make an appointment to sit down with a career advisor. They can provide tools and advice to help you better understand different industries, your strengths and what’s out there for someone like you.

Connecting with student clubs and diversity clubs

  • Why

Clubs, like the engineering or accounting clubs, usually have close ties to campus Career Services and links to organizations that are hiring. As a member of one, you’ll be among the first to hear when those employers will be on campus. Not only that, membership shows enthusiasm and initiative. You’ll also learn a lot from the skills sessions these clubs often run. And diversity clubs? We understand the value of different points of views at Barclays. And targeting members of diversity clubs helps us bring these views on board.

  • How

It’s easy. As soon as you arrive on campus, find the clubs that reflect your interests or background the most. Then join.

Although we’ve picked out some of the people you should be looking to connect with, there are many others who could also play a big part in helping you land the internship you want. Keep an eye open for opportunities to meet those who have links to us or to our work.