We are committed to making Barclays a great place to work: a place where every colleague feels supported, included, recognised and involved. A community where every single colleague can feel confident in bringing their whole self to work. Because when we do, we can put our whole selves into understanding our customers and helping them move forward. We’re a place where everyone can belong.
Be Well: Our Be Well team is working to create a culture that supports our colleagues to be healthy and happy, to understand their health risks and to make sustainable, positive changes.
Diversity: We believe that a diverse, inclusive and engaged culture is vital; that everyone’s value should be recognised and celebrated; and that every colleague has the the same opportunity to fulfil their career potential.
Our Networks: We focus on five global diversity agendas: Disability, Gender, LGBT, Multicultural and Multigenerational. Each has its own dynamic network of colleagues who are dedicated to promoting, championing and supporting these agendas.
Dynamic Working: Dynamic Working is a flexible working model that supports a high-performance, high-trust culture that focuses on how you perform and not how many hours you spend in the office. Whether you have family commitments or you’re a carer; whether you need study time or ‘me’ time, Dynamic Working is designed for your life.

Download our Dynamic Working report to see how Dynamic Working can help colleagues and companies better manage mental and physical health.
I can’t imagine not being able to come into the office and talk about what I did at the weekend. I
can’t imagine not being accepted for me. At Barclays, we aim to have a workplace where everyone feels
confident about bringing their whole self to work and excels on their merit.
Michael Roemer, Group Chief Compliance Officer and Executive Sponsor of the LGBT